Geological Surveys
Geological surveys are designed to enable the
mapping of underlying geology, mineral deposits and
water resources. This information is used to inform
quarrying, mineral extraction, hydrogeological
projects and to aid geotechnical engineering.
We have over 25 years experience in carrying out
projects in Ireland and overseas using a range of
geophysical techniques to aid all your project
Typically geological assessments include
desk-based research, reporting on the sediments and
bedrock underlying a particular area, mapping
outcrop and assessment of the geological conditions
in a survey area.
Geophysical surveys provide a platform to gain
this information without the need for soil or rock
disturbance. Traditional methods include Vertical
Electrical Sounding (VES), Electrical Resistivity
Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) although
other methodologies can also be used enabling a
complete assessment to be gained of the geological
conditions relating to a site.
LGS expertise in a wide range
of different survey types also allows the
intergration of archaeological assessments into the
geological surveys, often important when developing
quarrying or mineral extraction projects.

of cupmarks
Survey requirements
If you would like to contact us to discuss your
requirements so that we can develop a project plan
and quotation, it would be useful to have the
following information:
- Purpose of survey
- Background geological information
- Size of the proposed survey area
- Approximate depth to be investigated
- Ground conditions
Contact Details
Landscape and Geophysical Services
Convent Road
County Mayo

| Archaeological Geophysical Surveys
| Geological Surveys
| Environmental Surveys
| Research & Development
| Publications & Presentations
| Education & Training
| Project Management |